
Why space matters to the United Kingdom

Gabriel Elefteriu outlines the importance of space for the United Kingdom and the future of geopolitics

Chinese politics in 2024: Indications from the ‘Two Sessions’

Charles Parton investigates the political priorities of the CCP for the rest of 2024 in light of this year’s ‘Two Sessions’

China’s National People’s Congress and the economy: Short change

George Magnus investigates the National People’s Congress of 2024 and what it said about the direction of China’s economy

The hypersonic threat to the United Kingdom

William Freer analyses the hypersonic capabilities of Russia and China and whether they pose a threat to the United Kingdom

Taiwan’s 2024 election

Elizabeth Lindley looks at what the main parties competing in the Taiwanese elections seek to achieve and the likely implications of the vote

Taiwan: The facts of history versus Beijing’s myths

Gerrit van der Wees demystifies Taiwan’s complex history and debunks Beijing’s incessant propaganda points and myths

Why alliances matter

Gabriel Elefteriu explores definitions of alliances and why they matter to the UK, investigating both the costs and benefits

How Australia ‘positions’ the United Kingdom

Patrick Triglavcanin investigates the contemporary Australia-UK relationship and its historical foundations

Hypersonic weapon systems: High expectations

Gabriel Elefteriu and William Freer provide an overview of hypersonic weapons and the capabilities certain countries possess currently

De-dollarisation would upend the global economy

George Magnus argues that the US dollar will remain the world’s dominant currency for the foreseeable future