
The ‘10 Be Clears’: Clarifying relations with China

Charles Parton OBE lays out ten suggestions for dealing with the threat posed by China under the CCP in a mini-strategy

Discursive statecraft: China’s information operations

Hannah Bailey examines the Chinese Communist Party’s discursive statecraft operations on international social media platforms

The trilateral initiative: Rekindling relations between Britain, Poland and Ukraine

Przemysław Biskup, James Rogers and Dr Hanna Shelest explore the history and rationale for the trilateral initiative between Britain, Poland and Ukraine

Taiwan: Invasion is not likely, but deterrence remains vital

Charles Parton OBE argues that an invasion of Taiwan by the CCP is still not likely despite rising tensions across the Taiwan Strait

China’s carbon-intensive rise: Addressing the tensions

William Young and Jack Richardson explain how the United Kingdom’s environmental policy towards the People’s Republic of China is becoming outmoded

‘Green Britain’: A scientific superpower for a new era

William Young explains how the United Kingdom can become a scientific superpower by reestablishing the virtuous circle between state, economy and innovation

Discursive statecraft: Responding to national positioning operations

James Rogers provides options for responding to ‘discursive statecraft’ in the form of national positioning operations

When climate and trade combine: British policy options

William Young provides options for the United Kingdom to help develop an effective international response to the issue of carbon leakage

Discursive statecraft: Preparing for national positioning operations

James Rogers explains why the United Kingdom should prepare for ‘discursive statecraft’ and national positioning operations