Latest Research

4 December 2024 | Primers

The value and challenges of AUKUS

By: Emma Salisbury
5 November 2024 | Primers

The Strategic Defence Review, Britain and sea power

By: Emma Salisbury, James Rogers
17 October 2024 | Primers

Why should Britain invest in military spacepower?

By: Gabriel Elefteriu

Policy Impact

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Media appearances

War on the Rocks

Dr Emma Salisbury, our Sea Power Research Fellow, appears on the War on the Rocks podcast to discuss Russian military activity in Libya

ABC The World Today

Jennifer Parker, our Associate Fellow, discusses the alleged terror links in the New Orleans attack

The Spectator

Mark Galeotti, our Associate Fellow, writes about Putin’s war in Ukraine and references to the conflict

The New European

Paul Mason, our Associate Fellow, outlines how Sir Keir Starmer and Labour can defeat Farage

Warships podcast

Dr Emma Salisbury, our Sea Power Research Fellow, discusses the status of the US navy and NATO’s future


Mann Virdee, our Senior Research Fellow, comments on Europe’s ‘green’ agenda benefiting Russia


Grace Theodoulou, our Policy Fellow on China, explains why the case of the alleged Chinese spy highlights Xi Jinping’s strategy

BBC Newscast

Charles Parton, Chief Advisor to our China Observatory and Distinguished Fellow, talks about the case of the alleged Chinese spy

Channel 4 News

Mark Galeotti, our Associate Fellow, discusses Russia’s approach to Syria following the fall of the Assad regime earlier this month
