The Council on Geostrategy is delighted to be partnering with a number of international think tanks and organisations to facilitate research and cooperation in areas of mutual interest:
- Austrian Institute for European and Security Policy (Austria) – a think tank focused on European security and defence policy;
- Central European Institute for Asian Studies (Slovakia) – a think tank focused on Asia and Central European engagements with Asia;
- Centre for Public Policy and Economic Analysis (Croatia) – a national public policy think tank focused on economic policy, public management, global security and geopolitics;
- Centre for the Study of Democracy (Bulgaria) – a think tank focused on democracy, policy and civil society;
- Eastern European Studies Centre (Lithuania) – a think tank focused on Eastern Europe;
- GeoCase (Georgia) – a think tank focused on geopolitical analysis of the Black Sea region;
- Institute for Foreign Affairs and Trade (Hungary) – a think tank focusing on Hungarian foreign policy;
- Institute for International Relations Prague (Czechia) – a think tank focusing on international relations;
- Institute of New Europe (Poland) – a think tank focusing on international politics, international security and economics;
- New Strategy Center (Romania) – a think tank focused on security policy;
- The Polish Institute of International Affairs (PISM) – a think tank focusing on international relations in Europe and beyond;
- Ukrainian PRISM (Ukraine) – a think tank focused on foreign and defence policy.
- Australian National University (Australia) – a world-leading public research university;
- Centre for Strategic Studies (New Zealand) – a think tank focused on strategic, foreign policy and security issues.
- AthenaLab (Chile) – a think tank focused on defence and security;
- Daniel K. Inouye Asia-Pacific Center for Security Studies (Hawaii) – a US Department of Defence institute focused on regional and global security issues;
- MacDonald-Laurier Institute (Canada) – a national public policy think tank.
The Council on Geostrategy is an independent non-profit organisation. We accept general and project-based funding from institutions, companies and individuals who share our mission and accept our intellectual independence.