
The value and challenges of AUKUS

Emma Salisbury identifies the centrality of AUKUS to British strategic interests and recommends how the UK can improve its chances of success

What allies want: Appraising Britain’s defence relationships

William Freer and Dr Alexander Lanoszka appraise over 30 of the United Kingdom’s defence relationships with key allies and partners

No gift: Indo-Pacific access is worth its weight in gold

Jennifer Parker investigates what critical access to Australia grants the UK and US through AUKUS

Is it time for Japan to join AUKUS?

Duncan Bartlett investigates the push and pull factors behind Japan’s potential AUKUS membership

Australia’s 2024 National Defence Strategy

Bryden Spurling and William Freer analyse Australia’s National Defence Strategy of 2024 and what it means for the United Kingdom

AUKMIN 2024 advances AUKUS

Lord Risby reflects on AUKMIN 2024 and how it progressed AUKUS, as well as the significance of the agreement for the UK more broadly

How can Australia and the UK work more closely if Donald Trump is elected?

The Council on Geostrategy asks ten experts how the UK and Australia can deepen bilateral cooperation if Trump returns to the US presidency

The case for AUKUS public diplomacy

Euan Graham, John Hemmings and James Rogers argue that AUKUS needs a Public Diplomacy Division akin to NATO’s

How Australia ‘positions’ the United Kingdom

Patrick Triglavcanin investigates the contemporary Australia-UK relationship and its historical foundations

The challenges keep coming despite Australia-China détente

Rowan Callick investigates the evolving nature of China’s relationship with Australia and the remaining challenges