Wider Baltic

What allies want: Appraising Britain’s defence relationships

William Freer and Dr Alexander Lanoszka appraise over 30 of the United Kingdom’s defence relationships with key allies and partners

NATO’s next Secretary-General: Embrace the East

Dr Alexander Lanoszka argues that NATO should embrace its Eastern flank in selecting its next Secretary-General

After Nord Stream: Safeguarding Baltic energy security and supply

Trevelyan Wing explores the energy security landscape of the Baltic region, and the developments ensuring its future stability

Over troubled waters: The EU’s Maritime Security Strategy

Gonzalo Vazquez analyses the 2023 update of the European Union’s Maritime Security Strategy and how it can be improved

Inside out: Europe’s accidental empire builders

Roderick Parkes argues that power within the EU may get turned inside-out if Germany does not adapt to the geostrategic context

Which European power is Britain’s closest ally?

On the day of the French-British Summit, the Council on Geostrategy asks eight strategic experts to identify the UK’s most important European ally

Ukraine: What should Europe do next?

On the first anniversary of Russia’s renewed assault on Ukraine, the Council on Geostrategy asks leading experts what Europe should do next

Russian submarines: Threats and opportunities for Britain

Victor Abramowicz investigates what Russia’s new Belgorod submarine and continuing undersea activity means for Britain and AUKUS

Australia and Lithuania: limits of Chinese trade coercion

James Laurenceson argues that Australia and Lithuania demonstrate the limits of Beijing’s economic coercion, and inclination for enacting such measures

‘Global Britain’ extends to Northern Europe

Dr Alexander Lanoszka and James Rogers assess the implications of Finland and Sweden signing mutual defence agreements with Britain