
The assimilationist turn in Tibet policy in the Xi Jinping era

Matthew Akester analyses how the PRC is dialing back the nominal autonomy guaranteed to its Tibetan areas in the 1982 constitution

Clean Power 2030: Too fast, too furious?

Mann Virdee advocates for a more realistic and strategic approach to HM Government's plans to achieve clean power by 2030

How can Britain become more prosperous?

Dr Mann Virdee investigates the link between science, technology and prosperity and how innovation can help Britain prosper

British science and technology in 2024: Implications for ‘Net Zero’

Mann Virdee investigates how Britain can build a greener, more competitive, and resilient science and technology base

Port Talbot blast furnace closure: What are the implications?

The Council on Geostrategy asks seven experts what the implications of the closure of Port Talbot’s blast furnaces are

Oceans under pressure: China’s challenge to the maritime order

Peter Dutton analyses the key tenants of the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea, and how China undermines them

The energy transition is an historic opportunity, not a burden

John Caudwell argues the case for Net Zero, and where the United Kingdom needs to step up

What is the biggest challenge facing the UK in 2024?

The Council on Geostrategy asks twelve experts what the biggest challenge facing the UK will be in 2024 for the new year’s first Big Ask

Is COP up to the task?

The Council on Geostrategy asks five experts whether COP is up to the task of addressing climate change

The UK’s International Development White Paper: Fit for today?

The Council on Geostrategy asks seven experts if the latest International Development White Paper is fit for today