North Atlantic Treaty Organisation

Sealift: Commercial shipping’s potential in military logistics

Charlotte Kleberg highlights the need for commercial shipping solutions in military logistics to ensure effective support for the Royal Navy

The Strategic Defence Review, Britain and sea power

Emma Salisbury and James Rogers argue that the new government should place sea power at the heart of its agenda

America and Europe: The challenges beyond Trump

Joshua Huminski analyses the challenges Europe will face in its dealings with America regardless of if Trump returns to power

Emerging disruptive technologies: Dilemmas of deterrence

Prof. James Henry Bergeron analyses the impact emerging disruptive technologies will have on deterrence doctrine, particularly within NATO

NATO’s next Secretary-General: Embrace the East

Dr Alexander Lanoszka argues that NATO should embrace its Eastern flank in selecting its next Secretary-General

After Nord Stream: Safeguarding Baltic energy security and supply

Trevelyan Wing explores the energy security landscape of the Baltic region, and the developments ensuring its future stability

How could the UK augment its nuclear forces?

The Council on Geostrategy asks 11 experts how the UK could augment its nuclear forces

How can Australia and the UK work more closely if Donald Trump is elected?

The Council on Geostrategy asks ten experts how the UK and Australia can deepen bilateral cooperation if Trump returns to the US presidency

The case for AUKUS public diplomacy

Euan Graham, John Hemmings and James Rogers argue that AUKUS needs a Public Diplomacy Division akin to NATO’s

How much should Britain be investing in defence

The Council on Geostrategy asks nine experts how much Britain should be spending on defence