James Rogers

James Rogers is Co-Founder and Director of Research at the Council on Geostrategy, where he specialises in geopolitics and British strategic policy. He is also Editor of Britain’s World, the Council on Geostrategy’s online magazine. Previously, he held positions at the Henry Jackson Society, the Baltic Defence College, RAND Europe, and the European Union Institute for Security Studies.

His commentary has been carried in the global media and he has been invited to give oral evidence at the Foreign Affairs, Defence, and International Development committees in the Houses of Parliament. His research has been cited and endorsed by the serving British prime minister, and he has worked on research projects for the British and French ministries of defence. He holds an MPhil in Contemporary European Studies from the University of Cambridge and an award-winning BSc Econ (Hons) in International Politics and Strategic Studies from the University of Wales, Aberystwyth.

James Rogers

Britain’s centrality to the Euro-Atlantic

A map depicting the United Kingdom’s geographically advantageous location at the heart of the Euro-Atlantic

The trilateral initiative: A minilateral to catalyse Russia’s defeat?

James Rogers and William Freer examine how the Britain, alongside Poland and Ukraine, can help Ukraine defeat Russia and secure victory

The United Kingdom: Sea control, and sea denial

A map depicting how the United Kingdom can enact sea control in the Euro-Atlantic and contribute to sea denial in the Indo-Pacific

The trilateral initiative: How Britain, Poland and Ukraine can shape a post-war Europe

This Report makes the case for immediate renewed trilateral cooperation between the UK, Poland and Ukraine to reinforce European security.

The case for AUKUS public diplomacy

Euan Graham, John Hemmings and James Rogers argue that AUKUS needs a Public Diplomacy Division akin to NATO’s

James Rogers examines security guaruntees for Ukraine

Our Co-Founder and Director of Research is interviewed on TBS Television on security guaruntees for Ukraine

The Red Sea: The Atlantic-Pacific link

A map depicting the importance of the Red Sea to British interests in the Euro-Atlantic and Indo-Pacific

Why Britain needs a larger navy

William Freer and James Rogers analyse the geostrategic rationale behind the UK’s need for a larger navy, and how this can best be achieved

Location of business accelerators and incubators in the UK

A map depicting the location of business accelerators and incubators in the UK

Chinese encroachments towards Taiwan (August 2022-2023)

A map depicting Beijing’s grey zone military maneuvers towards Taiwan from August 2022