For Xi, this year’s plenum has especial significance as he sets the stage for a presumed third term as head of the CCP, military and state, to be ratified at the Party Congress in 2022, says Charles Parton OBE.
In this Policy Paper for the Council on Geostrategy, Charles places the 2021 Sixth Plenum that will take place from November 8th to 11th in its historical context and outlines the importance of the Plenum for the future of Xi Jinping’s premiership.
Just as the 1945 and 1981 resolutions underlined the pre-eminent power of Mao and Deng, so the 2021 plenum is intended to underline Xi’s undisputed position. The continuum of the CCP’s glorious history has been emphasised in this year’s political campaign to study history.
Charles Parton OBE